Pre-Order the new Terran Imperium Chronicles graphic novel, The Hidden Emperor and more!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Creators Livestream Tonight!
5 months ago
– Thu, Aug 01, 2024 at 01:42:24 PM
Tonight, I'm going to go live with some amazing comic book creators. My first guest is Alexander Macris, the purveyor of Ascendant. I'm backing Ascendant on Backerkit. It's a comic spinoff of an amazing RPG revolving around superheroes. We did a test run RPG featuring some of my characters a few years ago on the channel, and I'm happy to have him join us and talk comics tonight.
Also on will be Arkhaven comics purveyor Vox Day, who runs a great site competing with webtoons with many free comics.
Join us tonight for some fun at 4:15 PST!
Over here, just counting until we hit our $22,000 stretch goal for the Miss Sashi trading card! So close!
And Our Mystery Guest Sci-Fi Author Is...
5 months ago
– Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 12:14:39 PM
You thought I was gonna reveal it right away? That's not how you build suspense. I'm going to make you scroll down for this and read what we've got going first!
Thank you SO much for the tremendous support of The Hidden Emperor. It's by far our most successful launch to date, crossing this $20,000 milestone within 10 days of our launch. You are the most amazing readers out there, and Miz Krimzon and I appreciate you so much!
With this stretch goal, we're going to add sketches and drawings to the back of the book from Miz Krimzon's incredible work with Ayla Rin. There's a lot of it, and I'm thrilled every time I open a DM with her, and I get another drawing of our favorite Imperial agent.
But we're just getting started. We're introducing a team of space marines in the novel that comes with the campaign, Into The Black, and I talked to one of my favorite authors and asked him if he'd like to do a short story to add to the book to give one of our characters' origins. This space marine team, The Emerald Array, will be spinning off into its own book coming this fall. I told you we had big plans for the universe.
By now, you're thinking about the author. Well, we have someone incredible, one of the best writers in the field, working today.
This man is best known for his work on the awesome Battletech tabletop gaming franchise. He provided lore background and novels for the series, really turning Battletech into something special as a property. He's got his own awesome military sci-fi series, Land & Sea, which I've been listening to via audiobook—it's EPIC!
Blaine Pardoe wrote us a short story that will be added to the Into The Black novel at the $25,000 level—he's already written it, and I've read it. It's extremely awesome and does great honor to our world. Welcome, Blaine Pardoe, to the Terran Imperium!
Spread the word to your friends so we can hit the $25,000 goal ASAP -- when we announce another heavy-hitter writer doing a short comic to add to our lore.
Who Are The Scorpio Alliance?
5 months ago
– Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 09:33:46 AM
For this update, I want to provide some background on what's going on in the Terran Imperium leading up to The Hidden Emperor.
We've had an era of Pax Imperium, during which the Terran Imperium has been at relative peace for hundreds of years. Humanity is spread across the galaxy, but it's too wealthy and growing soft in an era of decline, despite Emperor Grigor's best efforts to hold society together.
The fringes of the galaxy are starting to rebel, as we saw in the first graphic novel, OVERMIND (which I won't spoil if you haven't read!). There's a bigger organized rebellion happening in the Scorpio Star Cluster, an alliance of worlds called The Scorpio Alliance, which is creating a much larger threat to the Imperium.
That's where our story starts, as battlefronts have opened up, giving the Imperium a real threat and scare for the first time ever. But who controls the Scorpio Alliance? That, is a tale for our stories.
We're closing in on $20,000 when we announce our guest writer. Make sure to back our books, grab add-ons like t-shirts and Miz Krimzon and my first book together, Robotoad (in the Add Ons section after pledges), as it's getting a new 2024 edition. Don't miss that add-on book!
I'm also checking out some great Kickstarters and giving back to the community since we've had such success. One of the projects I'm backing is by Tyler Carpenter, one of the hardest-working independent comic creators out there. He's putting out new books at least quarterly, and I loved his Super Plumber Sisters from last year. This one leans into manga-style as an isekai story, Bullet Assassin Living In A Fantasy World. It looks like a lot of fun.