
The Hidden Emperor Pre-Order Store!

Created by Jon Del Arroz

Pre-Order the new Terran Imperium Chronicles graphic novel, The Hidden Emperor and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thanks For Making The Hidden Emperor Campaign Amazing!
1 day ago – Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 01:56:29 PM

Hey everyone! 

Sorry for a little bit of a delay, I was flat on my back sick the last couple of days of the campaign here watching the totals skyrocket over $50,000! I can't believe it even now! It's honestly because of supporters like you giving the book the final push that we got there. Thank you so much for the support! 

I'm currently doing formatting passes and ensuring the books are ready to go while Kickstarter deals with collecting some pledges that might not have processed for whatever reason. When that's all done, we'll be sending out surveys on BackerKit so make sure to watch your emails. This program sorts everyone into package groups to make it easier for fulfillment if you're new to BackerKit.

Once all my files are ready, I'm going to get my proof copies, print, and ship, so this should be done fairly quickly during October / Early November. Leatherbound books will take a little while longer because those have to be done individually by hand.  

In October I'll be launching the next campaign in the Terran Imperium Chronicles, The Emerald Array, the Imperium's elite space marine squad. Once the campaign's approved I'll send out a link for signups. 

And I've got to get to work on Book 3 of this beautiful series. Thank you again. A word from Miz Krimzon: 

Wow! What A Week!
10 days ago – Mon, Sep 09, 2024 at 04:45:09 PM

I can't believe we're pushing 40k! This campaign continues to be a tremendous success and I really appreciate all your guys' support! The Mike Baron comic is now colored and done, so that's off to lettering, which will hopefully also get done this week. My goal will be to get a draft version of The Hidden Emperor to the printer about when the campaign closes, in hopes that I'll get a proof copy in the mail a week later so we can start printing and shipping by the beginning of October.

Leatherbound books are my only outlier as I'm unsure how long the bindery takes. I know all of those get hand-made so it's quite a process but they're going to be beautiful (I'm ordering one for myself and one for Miz Krimzon too!).  

Beyond that, I'm about 75% done scripting The Emerald Array, our space marine comic, which will spin off from the Into The Black novel of this campaign, which we hope to launch in October as well. And don't worry—I've plotted Ayla Rin book 3 and will be working to get it scripted right after The Emerald Array so we don't have delays in the next book in this series. 

Writing machine! 

I do have my Steampunk fantasy novel series on sale for those who want to check out something fun to read right now. It's an older work, but it's a 6 book series so there's a lot to enjoy. Book 1, For Steam And Country, is only 99 cents right now for the ebook for one more day. 

Thanks for reading! 


$30,000 And A Mike Baron Comic!
25 days ago – Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 12:08:31 PM

Amazing!!!! We got there with room to spare on this incredible campaign. Now we have a Blaine Pardoe short story. A Mike Baron short comic. The Terran Imperium is a veritable who's who of science fiction masters and it's all because of you. Thank you so much for your incredible support! 

I expected the campaign to end around this level since our last one did about $33K, but it looks like we have a real shot of hitting the $40,000 Wiki stretch goal, which I am both excited for and somewhat dreading because that's going to be a LOT of work for me and my team. But we always deliver, and this universe will expand, so having a wiki with a lot of the background and world in one place will be a useful tool for the future to give an in-depth look at the characters and setting.  

We've already started on the short comic from Mike Baron, with Elias Martins providing the art, which you can get a preview of here: 

Thank you so much again! And if you want to get reading while waiting for these books, I have some wonderful sci-fi novels on Amazon you can enjoy in the meantime. Check out Justified: Saga Of The Nanotemplar. It might be useful to have background knowledge of this trilogy soon. :) 

Thanks again for reading! 


$25,000 And Beyond!!!!
about 1 month ago – Sun, Aug 11, 2024 at 04:13:49 PM

A big heartfelt thank you from Miz Krimzon and me as we've crossed this amazing milestone for The Hidden Emperor. This campaign is on track to even beat OVERMIND as the most successful I've had ever—all because of readers like you! 

At $25,000, Blaine Pardoe's short prose story is UNLOCKED and will be added to the Into The Black novel. 

We also have an amazing creative team for a short comic. 

That's right, Legendary creator of Nexus and Punisher writer Mike Baron joins the team for our new short comic! And with him, we have Flying Sparks volume 5 artist Elias Martin to do the line work!  

I'm so excited to work with Mike Baron, one of the greatest comic writers of our time. I'm equally thrilled to have Elias join us after the wonderful job he did wrapping up my superhero series. 

Tell your friends, spread the word, and let's raise $30,000 so we can have this short comic drawn and added to THE HIDDEN EMPEROR! 

Art Is 100% Finished On The Hidden Emperor!
about 1 month ago – Sat, Aug 10, 2024 at 08:50:21 AM

Miz Krimzon finished up the linework for The Hidden Emperor (we had one page to go) and made a commemorative sketch for the achievement. Colors are complete as well, which leaves us 1/3 of the book to letter to get into production—except if we hit the $30,000 stretch goal for an additional short comic, in which case we'll announce who's writing that beauty at $25K.  

I want to get to $25K as fast as possible, so I want to let you know a little secret -- when you go to add-ons, we have a secret additional comic book you can add to your cart, Robotoad 2024 edition, which was Miz Krimzon and my first comic we did together. It's a lot of fun with a robot frog running amok and wreaking havoc.  Just head into add-ons, select that to add to your cart, and you're good to go (and it will increase our totals!).  

Also -- please share the campaign on your social medias! We need more people to see this so we can land these awesome stretch goals.

Thanks so much for the support, this has been our best campaign so far and we appreciate you!